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Clay infirmary of Κrinides
Clay infirmary of Κrinides
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The Pilotherapeftirio of Krinides is very near the Baptistery of Saint Lydia and is considered one of the most important Mud baths in Greece. The venue, with which the man cares for his health using therapeutic clay and thermal spring water, is dated tens of thousands of years ago, so today is a "sustainable laboratory of nature" that with admirable precision makes this valuable for our health material. In the past, geological, ecological, biological, chemical conditions, and complex physical mechanisms were stood favorable as they created the perfect environment from which and in which the therapeutic clay was prepared and naturally aged. The action of fangotherapy is mainly due to three factors: mechanical, thermal and chemical. The amazing properties of clay are known since the end of the last century, as evidenced by the existence of an old building saved near the baths. Perhaps,this building, was one useful water tank for rinsing after treatment. The fangotherapy is based on the use of "mature" clay. The application of clay may be done by total or partial immersion of the body in this or by spreads. The therapeutic effect of the clay is double because it exerts topical action (on the skin surface) and general (in different modes, thanks to substances which penetrate through the body). More specifically it is indicated for rheumatologic disorders, posttraumatic treatments, gynecological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, diseases of the nervous system, and it is also used as a cosmetically aesthetic.

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